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Our sessions consist of one Hour of Scalar Glow input.  The Practitioner will touch your body, placing his hands in certain positions that will connect to your Chakras ( Energy Centers) and then send Scalar Glow, working with Chi and Flow, and intention, opening your Heart Center to receive.  This can be done for you through your Picture or in a Live Session online via zoom.  If you would like to have your Practitioner do a reading on your body to understand where the problems are, they will require two hours. Reading and Healing would be a 3 hour session.  We can do the reading without your presence, but for the Healing, we would like you to be online.


We also offer custom made Gemstone Necklace Sets that will enhance your Healing and work on the specific problems.  Gemstones are natural Healers, they heal with vibration.  These Necklaces can cost $50 to $125 depending on what stones are used to make the necklace.  We use a blend of stones, for instance, the stone Seriphenite and Snow Flake Jasper are two main stones used to help those with Cancer.  So it would depend on what cures are needed.  The Practitioners are trained on this and will know which are best for your circumstance.


You can book your Sessions by clicking on buy now to the right of this page.  You can pay for up to three sessions in advance.  If you prefer we can work on you through your Photo, you must email your photo to us in JPEG or GIF form.  The Email is on the Contact us page.  We will need you to put your name, age, and list your problems in the email when your photo is sent. You will get a report from us with each session in an email.




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My name is Rosa,

I came to Sue with Diabetic Sores all over my legs and on top of my feet, with Pain level above 10 every day for over 30 years I suffered.  After two Sessions the Sores were completely Healed and the pain was gone!  I am continuing Sessions for Total Body Health.

My name is Stephanie,

My Practitioner worked on me for six Sessions.  I was very ill, unable to sit or walk for any length of time.  My Spine had three Herniated Disks, a Ruptured Disk, and the tissues were depleted.  I was completely Healed, with lots of energy by the end of my Sessions! Thank you God!


       1  Hour

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2 Hours

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    3 Hours

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